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Complete Works of Jane Austen – en inglés

Sense and sensibility - en inglés (9789878304267)

Sinopsis del producto

After Mr. Dashwood's death, his wife and three daughters: Elinor, Marianne, and young Margaret, find themselves forced to abandon their possessions in Norland as a result of Mr. Dashwood's first son inheriting the whole fortune. Relatives from Barton Cottage offer to lodge them in a house which is much more modest than they have ever known. Elinor and Marianne will discover love, but also the pain that results from not being loved back. Marianne romantically falls into disenchantment and despair while Elinor follows reason's ruling and keeps admirable composure of herself at confronting her feelings. Jane Austen, besides criticizing society's hypocrisy and women's marginalization, provides Elinor and Marianne with wisdom, sensibility and fascination making the novel a classic in universal literature.


Austen, Jane

Pride and Prejudice - en inglés (9789878304205)

Sinopsis del producto

Ms. Bennet has raised her five children with the only hope of finding a husband for each of them. With young, wealthy, and single Charles Bingley's arrival in town, the Bennet sisters' attention is piqued, along with every other family living in Longbourn. Elizabeth, one of Ms. Bennet's daughters, will start a peculiar relationship with Bingley's good friend Darcy, which will unleash this story of pride and prejudices between both of them until they get to know true love.


Austen, Jane

Persuasion - en inglés (9789878304243)

Sinopsis del producto

Persuasion is Austen's last novel, published in 1818 after her death. This is the story of a sensitive, patient, and despised elderly woman who, after rejecting the love of her life, is persuaded by others' advice, and sees how he reappears in her life as a wealthy, honorable, yet spiteful, man. Now she is forced to fight for a second chance for the first time in her life.


Austen, Jane

Emma - en inglés (9789878304229)

Sinopsis del producto

When young Emma, the only daughter of Mr. Woodhouse, loses the company of her former governess, she takes under her tutelage the humble Harriet Smith. Harriet´s simplicity, along with her beauty, makes her the perfect candidate for Emma´s favorite activity: taking care of others. Emma´s eagerness for Harriet to get an advantageous marriage and Emma´s manipulative personality will suffer different setbacks before reaching an unexpected happy ending.


Austen, Jane

Mansfield Park - en inglés (9789878304250)

Sinopsis del producto

Fanny Price is just a child when her aunt and uncle take her to live with them at their mansion in Mansfield Park, rescuing her from a life full of hardship. In this place, she will live a life of leisure and refinement in which the innocent games will feed seductive plans and strategies. This new world hides a dangerous truth in which only Fanny is capable to discern its consequences and threats. Mansfield Park is probably the most complex of Austen’s works, described as a lavish narrative with psychological depth.


Austen, Jane

Northanger Abbey - en inglés (9789878304274)

Sinopsis del producto

This novel is an ironic and fun portrayal about English society of the period. Young woman Catherine Moreland is and ordinary girl; she is not expected to be a novelistic hero because of her unique spirit and her low social condition, however, novels are her biggest soft spot. Reality will provide her with an absurd and painful world, even worse than she had imagined.


Austen, Jane

Lady Susan - The Watsons - en Inglés (9789878304236)

Sinopsis del producto

LADY SUSAN & THE WATSON LADY SUSAN This epistolary novel, written by Austen in 1794, narrates the main character´s, the recently widowed Lady Susan, plans to find her and her young daughter a new husband. Austen uses this genre to build a work where the different letters are set like pieces of a puzzle until it completes before the eye of the reader. This novel subverts every norm of the romantic genre: Lady Susan has a leading role, she is not only beautiful but also smart and clever, and all her suitors are significantly younger than her. THE WATSON When Emma Watson attends her first ball, her beauty and naivety will make all eyes focus on her. Is that what happiness is for a young girl in Victorian England? Austen makes this novel a place for her to talk about the condition of women and their limited role, as well as the lack of their own resources, in this period´s society.


Austen, Jane

Love and Friendship - Lesley´s Castle - Sanditon - en inglés (9789878354699)

Sinopsis del producto

Love and friendship It is a complete selection of short novels and stories by Jane Austen that she wrote when she was very young and in which we will find everything that will eventually constitute the adult universe of our author: irony, wit, construction, satire of the romantic and ruthless comments social. But also a strange talent and a predilection for an unusual type of heroin - capable of getting drunk, stealing, murdering, etc. - Aspects that we will not find again in his work, but if his inventiveness without restrictions and a taste applied brilliantly to an irresistible comedy. Lesley Castle A short and epistolary novel, in which through the exchange of letters between Margarite Lesley, Charlotte Luterrell and Mrs. Marlowe, we learn about the love affairs of these three women and various members of their social circle. The letters are very funny, in some cases surprising because of the harshness with which these "supposed friends" sometimes speak. Sanditon A fragment of eleven chapters left unfinished by the death of Jane Austen, it is a charming story that complements Austen's novels about the privileged classes of England and the deception, snobbery and unexpected romances that occur in her world. When Charlotte Heywood accepts an invitation to visit Sanditon's new modern spa, she is introduced to a wide range of polite local society. A heroine whose lucid sense of comment is often at war with romance, Charlotte can't help but observe both madness and passion around her in many ways. But can sane Charlotte herself resist the desires of the heart?


Austen, Jane

Sense and sensibility - en inglés (9789878304267)

Sinopsis del producto

After Mr. Dashwood's death, his wife and three daughters: Elinor, Marianne, and young Margaret, find themselves forced to abandon their possessions in Norland as a result of Mr. Dashwood's first son inheriting the whole fortune. Relatives from Barton Cottage offer to lodge them in a house which is much more modest than they have ever known. Elinor and Marianne will discover love, but also the pain that results from not being loved back. Marianne romantically falls into disenchantment and despair while Elinor follows reason's ruling and keeps admirable composure of herself at confronting her feelings. Jane Austen, besides criticizing society's hypocrisy and women's marginalization, provides Elinor and Marianne with wisdom, sensibility and fascination making the novel a classic in universal literature.


Austen, Jane

Pride and Prejudice - en inglés (9789878304205)

Sinopsis del producto

Ms. Bennet has raised her five children with the only hope of finding a husband for each of them. With young, wealthy, and single Charles Bingley's arrival in town, the Bennet sisters' attention is piqued, along with every other family living in Longbourn. Elizabeth, one of Ms. Bennet's daughters, will start a peculiar relationship with Bingley's good friend Darcy, which will unleash this story of pride and prejudices between both of them until they get to know true love.


Austen, Jane

Persuasion - en inglés (9789878304243)

Sinopsis del producto

Persuasion is Austen's last novel, published in 1818 after her death. This is the story of a sensitive, patient, and despised elderly woman who, after rejecting the love of her life, is persuaded by others' advice, and sees how he reappears in her life as a wealthy, honorable, yet spiteful, man. Now she is forced to fight for a second chance for the first time in her life.


Austen, Jane

Emma - en inglés (9789878304229)

Sinopsis del producto

When young Emma, the only daughter of Mr. Woodhouse, loses the company of her former governess, she takes under her tutelage the humble Harriet Smith. Harriet´s simplicity, along with her beauty, makes her the perfect candidate for Emma´s favorite activity: taking care of others. Emma´s eagerness for Harriet to get an advantageous marriage and Emma´s manipulative personality will suffer different setbacks before reaching an unexpected happy ending.


Austen, Jane

Mansfield Park - en inglés (9789878304250)

Sinopsis del producto

Fanny Price is just a child when her aunt and uncle take her to live with them at their mansion in Mansfield Park, rescuing her from a life full of hardship. In this place, she will live a life of leisure and refinement in which the innocent games will feed seductive plans and strategies. This new world hides a dangerous truth in which only Fanny is capable to discern its consequences and threats. Mansfield Park is probably the most complex of Austen’s works, described as a lavish narrative with psychological depth.


Austen, Jane

Northanger Abbey - en inglés (9789878304274)

Sinopsis del producto

This novel is an ironic and fun portrayal about English society of the period. Young woman Catherine Moreland is and ordinary girl; she is not expected to be a novelistic hero because of her unique spirit and her low social condition, however, novels are her biggest soft spot. Reality will provide her with an absurd and painful world, even worse than she had imagined.


Austen, Jane

Lady Susan - The Watsons - en Inglés (9789878304236)

Sinopsis del producto

LADY SUSAN & THE WATSON LADY SUSAN This epistolary novel, written by Austen in 1794, narrates the main character´s, the recently widowed Lady Susan, plans to find her and her young daughter a new husband. Austen uses this genre to build a work where the different letters are set like pieces of a puzzle until it completes before the eye of the reader. This novel subverts every norm of the romantic genre: Lady Susan has a leading role, she is not only beautiful but also smart and clever, and all her suitors are significantly younger than her. THE WATSON When Emma Watson attends her first ball, her beauty and naivety will make all eyes focus on her. Is that what happiness is for a young girl in Victorian England? Austen makes this novel a place for her to talk about the condition of women and their limited role, as well as the lack of their own resources, in this period´s society.


Austen, Jane

Love and Friendship - Lesley´s Castle - Sanditon - en inglés (9789878354699)

Sinopsis del producto

Love and friendship It is a complete selection of short novels and stories by Jane Austen that she wrote when she was very young and in which we will find everything that will eventually constitute the adult universe of our author: irony, wit, construction, satire of the romantic and ruthless comments social. But also a strange talent and a predilection for an unusual type of heroin - capable of getting drunk, stealing, murdering, etc. - Aspects that we will not find again in his work, but if his inventiveness without restrictions and a taste applied brilliantly to an irresistible comedy. Lesley Castle A short and epistolary novel, in which through the exchange of letters between Margarite Lesley, Charlotte Luterrell and Mrs. Marlowe, we learn about the love affairs of these three women and various members of their social circle. The letters are very funny, in some cases surprising because of the harshness with which these "supposed friends" sometimes speak. Sanditon A fragment of eleven chapters left unfinished by the death of Jane Austen, it is a charming story that complements Austen's novels about the privileged classes of England and the deception, snobbery and unexpected romances that occur in her world. When Charlotte Heywood accepts an invitation to visit Sanditon's new modern spa, she is introduced to a wide range of polite local society. A heroine whose lucid sense of comment is often at war with romance, Charlotte can't help but observe both madness and passion around her in many ways. But can sane Charlotte herself resist the desires of the heart?


Austen, Jane

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